
the horse is here to stay!?

“The horse is here to stay but the automobile is only a novelty — a fad.” In 1903 president of the Michigan Savings Bank advised Horace Rakham to avoid investing in Ford Company. Rakham ignored it and sold his real estate to invest $5000 in Ford that turned out to be $12.5 million in the next 16 years. Ford to Ferrari every car engine capacity is measured in Horse Power (hp) since then. The question is what are the horses up to now? They are still around for special purpose and in limited use only. They are irrelevant for transportation. Recent fears of Artificial Intelligence ,Machine Learning to takeover software programmer jobs, what would be the future of the white collars clocking 40 hours per week? No one was bothered about AI till 1997 when IBM Robot defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov. If Robot can master the most difficult job, what is left for it that is not a doable? Before diving into AI, let us recollect if it is the first time Automation is challenging a

How to Measure TIME?

Have you ever wondered why not all the moths in a calendar year have same number of days? Why February has the least number of days instead of December or January?? Well! We all have studied in the school that it takes 365.25 days approximately to complete one rotation around the sun for earth. Thus we have 365 days in an year and every 4 years an extra day is added to reconcile 0.25 days from 365.25. When we divide 365 by 12 we get additional 5-6 days thus some months get their 31st day. That is all correct!! However current Gregorian Calendar is inspired from Roman Calendar that had only 10 months starting from March to December prior to 450 BC. Remaining 59 days were called as " Unnamed Winter "  Later a Roman King decided to create 2 more new months January with 31days and February with remaining 28 days. Yet, new year began on March 1st and yearend was celebrated on February 28th. Later another king decided to start the new year from January 1st and hence

Human Life

How precious is human life? Can we quantify? Every philosopher, accomplished individual and religion in this world unanimously agrees that human life is precious . It is a beautiful gift from GOD and we need to make the most of it. No other species in this world has the intelligence , luxury and ability that a human has. Human knows how to use every other species for his benefit and making his life better! However why did GOD gave us this opportunity to be in the most elite species club in the world? Do we get a chance to be the human every time if we believe in reincarnation? Does all other species with life are same as us or are we different? What is the ultimate goal of a human life? Well! Depending on the nature of each person, geographic and religious belief certainly answers vary to a large extent to these questions. Definitely some may believe that we are humans to enjoy everyday of life , some may believe that we are born to achieve something great, some may believe

Holy Cow

In our school days a Cow is known for its honesty and gentle nature that ensured it returned to the Lion to keep its promise after feeding its Cattle. Now, if there is a single animal that can polarize Indians immensely, it is one and only Holy COW!! Is Cow the only animal we treat with highest regards? Don't we see the GOD in the other animals? Hanuman ( Monkey ), Ganesha ( Elephant ), Narasimha ( Lion ) are only a few to name that associate with Animals in our day to day spiritual life. We do pour milk to the snake and probably none has an objection to them. Then why all this noise around the COW?? Who is a GOD as per Hindu Dharma? Anyone who does good service to the mankind & nature is referred as God . Right from the Sun( Aditya) , Moon (Chandra), Eagle (Garuda), Bull (Nandi) to  Rivers (specially Ganga) , Plants (Tulasi) and Mountains everywhere we see the God. Our culture preaches Mother, Father and Guru as the GOD since they give every possible thing for us to li