Holy Cow

In our school days a Cow is known for its honesty and gentle nature that ensured it returned to the Lion to keep its promise after feeding its Cattle. Now, if there is a single animal that can polarize Indians immensely, it is one and only Holy COW!!

Is Cow the only animal we treat with highest regards? Don't we see the GOD in the other animals? Hanuman ( Monkey), Ganesha ( Elephant), Narasimha (Lion) are only a few to name that associate with Animals in our day to day spiritual life. We do pour milk to the snake and probably none has an objection to them. Then why all this noise around the COW??

Who is a GOD as per Hindu Dharma? Anyone who does good service to the mankind & nature is referred as God. Right from the Sun( Aditya) , Moon (Chandra), Eagle (Garuda), Bull (Nandi) to  Rivers (specially Ganga) , Plants (Tulasi) and Mountains everywhere we see the God. Our culture preaches Mother, Father and Guru as the GOD since they give every possible thing for us to live in this world and lead us to realize our goals in the life. None has an objection to these unique preaching of the Hindu Dharma. To that matter we all believe in 33 crores of Gods owning various departments to maintain the healthy rhythm of the universe and mankind.

In this world , primary representation of these 33 crore Gods is certainly a mother to anyone as none can match her sacrifice and love. However when a child pees a few times on the mother, she feels uneasy and  will have to refresh. The same mother takes the bath early in the morning to go and stand behind the cow for its Urine ( Go Mutra) as the  holy drink. All 33 crore Gods are residing in the Cow, she believes! Isn't it the unique and greatness of the Cow in Hindu Dharma??

Right from ancient times a Cow holds very special place in India. Every home will have a Cow in the Puja space along with the other Gods. When a person leaves this world, their family performs a Go-Danam ( Giving Cow to someone sacred) with the belief that it is the only thing that helps the Soul to overcome all the hurdles while reaching the God. There can be contrasting views and unlimited information on the scientific benefits and risks discussing cow milk and Urine, that can be debated.

Without going into too many details I would like to list 3 great qualities of the Cow that separates it from any other animal or person in this world. These are quoted from Shri.Chaganti Koteshwara Rao speech in one of the pravachanams.

1. Cow Milk : Easy to digest and a unique product that has all the nutrition values that can be consumed by a new born to a 90 year old person. Maternal Mortality rate ( Mother dying after giving birth to the child ) was very high in the olden days. There was no formulae milk or any alternative to the child except Cow's milk. Prior to independence , arguably at least 10% of the Indian infants survived on the Cow Milk ,the only thing that can be digested by a new born.  In addition to the Milk , I do not even want to discuss details of the qualities of Ghee, Curd and Butter of the Cow.

2. Go Mutra : Cow is a unique animal in the world that has high degree of medical values in the Urine. This is vastly used in many Ayurvedic medicine. No other person or animal in the world has the quality of providing health from its urine earning special status.

Link to research paper on CUT ( Cow Urine Therapy)

3.  Gorochanam : During the life time of a Cow, it builds a small stone type of material which can be extracted only by an  expert after a Cow's death. This us used in Ayurveda to cure many chronic deceases like Asthma, Memory loss to vision related problems. To the extent it works as antidote to poisons. Another unique quality of the Cow that services mankind even after its death.

Link to Gorochanam 

In addition to these Cow Horn is used for Abhishekam for Shiva, Damarukam for Shiva is made up of Cow Skin only. Qualities of the Cow Dung are known to us. It is one of the best fertilizer with rich minerals and was a natural Mosquito repel and available on Amazon too now!

Does it applicable for all the cows in the country and world? Absolutely, a big NO! This is all applicable for Indian Cows with a hump and producing A2 Milk not the Jersy or other breads created to amplify production of A1 Milk. You may research what is A2 milk and its benefits.

With the innumerable benefits enjoyed by the mankind from the ages, holds some basic courtesy and responsibility to protect them. There are other animals like buffalo , goat etc providing milk. They even produce milk for long term and large quantities. However purpose of the Cow is not just producing milk but adding precious medical values naturally. Cow is a symbol of sacrifice and serves us during its entire life time and also after it leaves the world.

People and politicians should develop some broad mind to learn and respect our culture. I agree, we were slaves for over 750 years and started enjoying freedom recently, for only 70 years now. It takes some more time come out of slavery mindset and regain self respect.

Instead of creating the rift in the society, governments should not delay declaring Cow as  a national animal. That one step brings a full stop to the cow politics and I am optimistic of seeing this soon. These are my thoughts after celebrating Krishnashtami and  trying to appreciate his names Gopala , Govinda  are how tightly associated with the HOLY COW. 

- Pavan Joshi


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